on mouseDown global justclosemenu put videoOn if videoOn = 1 then turnoffvideo if the member of sprite 116 = member "baseball" and the clickOn <> 116 then put 1 into justclosemenu cleanup playTheMenu set the volume of sound(1) = (whichKey*28) set the volume of sound(2) = (whichKey*28) end if end on keyDown put the visible of sprite 116 if the visible of sprite 116 <> 1 then put value(the key) into whichKey if whichKey >= 0 and whichKey <=7 then set the volume of sound(1) = whichKey * 28 --set the volume of sound(2) = whichKey * 28 set the soundlevel = whichKey end if end if on stopMovie repeat with x = 1 to 120 set the visible of sprite x = 1 end repeat set the visible of sprite 115 = 0 set the visible of sprite 117 = 0 end on turnoffvideo set the movieRate of sprite theQT = 0 set the movietime of sprite theQT = 0 set the volume of sound(1) = (whichKey*28) set the volume of sound(2) = (whichKey*28) set the visible of sprite theQT = 0 set the visible of sprite (theQT - 1) = 0 set the member of sprite theqt = "blank" puppetSprite theQT, false puppetSprite (theQT - 1), FALSE updatestage set the stageColor = the stageColor set the visible of sprite smallTV = 1 updatestage set the stageColor = the stageColor set theqt = 0 set videoOn = 0 puppetSound 1, (getAt(soundList, (random(7)))) end